Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adam Lambert's "Twitter Party" Last Night

Apparently some fans were not so please with Adam Lambert after his performance at the Prudential Center in Newark on Sunday night because he did not sign autographs after the show, prompting him to send out the following Tweet, “Hey guys. I have gotten a few negative messages about not signing autographs. Sorry if anyone is disappointed…I feel bad but please understand that I try to give you guys 110% on stage. Your ticket is to see us perform! Entitlement is not sexy...”

Adam Lambert announced yesterday on Twitter, “Looking forward to tonight's show! Unfortunately, due to doctors orders I need to rest my voice AFTER the performances...So I may not be attending after show meet and greet or autograph sessions. Thank you all for understanding that I need to look after myself!”

Adam’s solution to appease his fans, throw a Twitter party! He sent out the following message last night, “In an attempt to make up for any disappointment, let's have a Twitter party tonight!!! I will be answering questions and chatting w u guys!!” Adam ended the night by Tweeting, “Thank you guys soo much!! I'm goin to bed, but let's do this more!!! I had fun!! Goodnight! Muah!” Adam spent about two hours answering questions from fans via Twitter. With over 130,000 followers it was quite a party last night!


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