Friday, August 7, 2009

Adam Lambert on Paula Abdul’s “American Idol” Departure: “She Made Me Feel Safe”

Adam Lambert on Paula Abdul’s “American Idol” Departure: “She Made Me Feel Safe”

8/7/09, 12:46 pm EST

Paula Abdul’s departure from her American Idol judge’s chair has left producers with a hole to fill, but Adam Lambert says it will be difficult to replace the unique qualities Abdul brought to the show in her eight seasons: support, love and heart. Last season’s runner-up tells Rolling Stone, “I love Paula,” that he checked in with Abdul after her unexpected Twitter announcement, and is sure she’ll find success in her future endeavors. But there’s no question she’ll miss her role as hopefuls’ support system.

“She obviously is going to miss interacting with all the Idol contestants, she really loves that process of discovering new talent,” Lambert says. “I think she brings so much heart to the show. She’s so supportive, she knows what it’s like to be a performer and she really provides a sense of safety for the auditioners in the room. I have no doubt her future endeavors will bring her success and happiness. She’s got a lot that she’s capable of.” (Click above to watch our interview with Lambert — and check back next week for an update on his album and the Idol tour.)


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