Monday, August 17, 2009

Adam Lambert's New '2012' Song: Great Or The Greatest?

by Jim Cantiello in MTV News, Music

It sounds like Adam Lambert will be making his big screen debut this November. But don't worry, "Idol" fans. It won't be another "From Justin to Kelly" catastrophe (although I imagine there's a small contingent of "Idol" freaks who would kill to see a musical romance between Kris Allen and Adam Lambert). Nope, instead this disaster will be of the Roland Emmerich-fueled sci-fi kind, meaning lots of stuff will get blown up.

After weeks of speculation and coy remarks to the press, it has been confirmed by legendary Queen guitarist Brian May that Adam Lambert has recorded a song for the upcoming Emmerich opus "2012." In a blog post dated Friday, August 14th, Mr. May gushed like a total fan-girl over the track, which he heard while hanging with producer Rob Cavallo. Read his comments (in a British accent, for full effect) below:

"I have to say I was completely blown away ... it's truly sensational. In fact it's so obviously a number one smash, any bookie would be mad to take bets on it. I am not kidding. I'm not easily moved to jelly by male vocalists ... but Adam's voice reaches out with sensitivity, depth, maturity, and awesome range and power which will make jaws drop all around the world. Its an awesome performance. No doubt about it. The world of Rock has a bright new star."

You think he liked it? Seriously, I haven't seen someone freak over an "Idol" like that since ... well, since I interviewed Kris Allen last week.

So here's what we know: The song was produced by Cavallo, whose name you know from working with David Cook, Green Day, My Chemical Romance and — randomly — Paris Hilton. Meat Loaf's drummer John Miceli was involved in some capacity. We assume the tune will be rolling over the end credits after (potential spoiler alert!) John Cusack and his band of misfits probably save the world, and ... that's about all we know.

But rest easy, Glamberts! We are working overtime to get as many details as possible over the highly-anticipated tune. What's it called? Will it also be on his major-label debut album this fall? Will it be "Rock Gawd" Lambert or "Gentle Jeff Buckley Balladeer" Lambert? And how badly does Brian May want Lambert to be in Queen? We're making as many phone calls as humanly possible to get to the bottom of this. So stay tuned...


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