Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Adam Lambert Judge FAV Paula Abdul Is Not Returning to American Idol

The entertainment world was stunned Tuesday night when news broke that Paula Abdul will not be returning to American Idol this coming season.

The judge was unable to come to financial terms with the show's producers about her return.

Abdul just took to her official Twitter to talk about her departure from the #1 show in America.

She says:

With sadness in my heart, I’ve decided not to return to #IDOL. I’ll miss nurturing all the new talent, but most of all..Cont'd…

I’ll miss nurturing all the new talent,but most of all being a part of a show that I helped from day1become an international phenomenon.

What I want to say most, is how much I appreciate the undying support and enormous love that you have showered upon me

It truly has been breathtaking, especially over the past month

I do without any doubt have the BEST fans in the entire world and I love you all

Paula Abdul was very vocal about how much she believed in Adam Lambert last season. I, for one, think she added a great deal of heart to the show and think AI could have paid her a little more.

I think she's more of an asset the Ryan Seacrest who is getting a huge 15 million dollar a season paycheck for the next 3 years!!!

Should they have spent the money on Ryan or should they have spent on Paula? Leave you comment in the comment section below.


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