Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adam Lambert Sexy New Pictures

These are just a few of my favorite new pictures I've run across.
His photo shoots just seem to get better and better.

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos
Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, August 24, 2009

Great New Interview With Adam Lambert - VIDEO

I enjoyed watching this interview with Adam Lambert.
Click below to watch.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

WTF? Why would someone throw a dildo on stage while Adam Lambert was performing?

Flying Dildos at Adam Lambert!

O.k. now, this is just ridiculous! How can anyone think that a performer would think that was a gesture of their musical appreciation. It's actually just rude... stick to stuffed animals, flowers, even (clean) underwear is more exceptable.

I just think it's kind of disgusting and insulting to him as a gay man. What do you think?

However, I have to give Adam HUGE props... after the dildo hits him... Adam kicks it off the stage with force! ALL WITHOUT SKIPPING A BEAT!!!! Hopefully next time the dildo will be replaced by the head of the asshole that threw it on stage.

Here's the video of incident below
It happens at the 2:15 point if you want to fast forward

Monday, August 17, 2009

Adam Lambert's New '2012' Song: Great Or The Greatest?

by Jim Cantiello in MTV News, Music

It sounds like Adam Lambert will be making his big screen debut this November. But don't worry, "Idol" fans. It won't be another "From Justin to Kelly" catastrophe (although I imagine there's a small contingent of "Idol" freaks who would kill to see a musical romance between Kris Allen and Adam Lambert). Nope, instead this disaster will be of the Roland Emmerich-fueled sci-fi kind, meaning lots of stuff will get blown up.

After weeks of speculation and coy remarks to the press, it has been confirmed by legendary Queen guitarist Brian May that Adam Lambert has recorded a song for the upcoming Emmerich opus "2012." In a blog post dated Friday, August 14th, Mr. May gushed like a total fan-girl over the track, which he heard while hanging with producer Rob Cavallo. Read his comments (in a British accent, for full effect) below:

"I have to say I was completely blown away ... it's truly sensational. In fact it's so obviously a number one smash, any bookie would be mad to take bets on it. I am not kidding. I'm not easily moved to jelly by male vocalists ... but Adam's voice reaches out with sensitivity, depth, maturity, and awesome range and power which will make jaws drop all around the world. Its an awesome performance. No doubt about it. The world of Rock has a bright new star."

You think he liked it? Seriously, I haven't seen someone freak over an "Idol" like that since ... well, since I interviewed Kris Allen last week.

So here's what we know: The song was produced by Cavallo, whose name you know from working with David Cook, Green Day, My Chemical Romance and — randomly — Paris Hilton. Meat Loaf's drummer John Miceli was involved in some capacity. We assume the tune will be rolling over the end credits after (potential spoiler alert!) John Cusack and his band of misfits probably save the world, and ... that's about all we know.

But rest easy, Glamberts! We are working overtime to get as many details as possible over the highly-anticipated tune. What's it called? Will it also be on his major-label debut album this fall? Will it be "Rock Gawd" Lambert or "Gentle Jeff Buckley Balladeer" Lambert? And how badly does Brian May want Lambert to be in Queen? We're making as many phone calls as humanly possible to get to the bottom of this. So stay tuned...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adam Lambert's Rolling Stone Cover Is The Years Top Seller

Adam Lambert Rolling Stone's Top Seller

By Chris Jai Centeno
Adam Lambert Rolling Stone's Top Seller

Blessed with boyish handsome good looks and equipped with his trademark black eyeliner and dyed asymmetrical coiffure, American Idol season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert's Rolling Stone cover is the magazine's top-selling issue of the year, according to Extra.

The 27-year-old Lambert came out to America in the magazine’s June 25 issue. His sexual orientation became a hot topic when photos of the singer kissing another man surfaced on the Internet during the American Idol competition.

“I don’t think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear that I’m gay,” Lambert told Rolling Stone. “I’m proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It’s just another part of me.”

Lambert wowed audiences on Idol, infusing the show with rock-star glam, but was eventually beaten by fellow contestant and friend Kris Allen in the finals.

The singer has teamed up with Lady Gaga producer RedOne for his debut CD, scheduled to be released in the fall.

Adam Lambert's "Twitter Party" Last Night

Apparently some fans were not so please with Adam Lambert after his performance at the Prudential Center in Newark on Sunday night because he did not sign autographs after the show, prompting him to send out the following Tweet, “Hey guys. I have gotten a few negative messages about not signing autographs. Sorry if anyone is disappointed…I feel bad but please understand that I try to give you guys 110% on stage. Your ticket is to see us perform! Entitlement is not sexy...”

Adam Lambert announced yesterday on Twitter, “Looking forward to tonight's show! Unfortunately, due to doctors orders I need to rest my voice AFTER the performances...So I may not be attending after show meet and greet or autograph sessions. Thank you all for understanding that I need to look after myself!”

Adam’s solution to appease his fans, throw a Twitter party! He sent out the following message last night, “In an attempt to make up for any disappointment, let's have a Twitter party tonight!!! I will be answering questions and chatting w u guys!!” Adam ended the night by Tweeting, “Thank you guys soo much!! I'm goin to bed, but let's do this more!!! I had fun!! Goodnight! Muah!” Adam spent about two hours answering questions from fans via Twitter. With over 130,000 followers it was quite a party last night!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Adam Lambert's New Album Coming in NOVEMBER is full of surprises!

Adam Lambert’s “Sexy” November Debut Stocked With Surprises

The American Idols Live tour is in full swing, but Adam Lambert still has one eye on his debut album, due in November via AI’s 19 Recordings through a licensing deal with RCA. When Lambert stopped by the RS offices last week to discuss Paula Abdul’s departure from Idol, he stayed tight-lipped about any possible song names, lyrics or the album title — “Nope, can’t tell you yet — it’s all a surprise,” he says — but stressed that assembling the album quickly is only adding to its intensity.

Friday, August 7, 2009

NEW VIDEO: Adam Lambert On Good Morning America

In case you missed Adam Lambert on Good Morning America I thought I would post it here for all your viewing pleasure. :o) This is a different version of the song " starlight" I think he still rocks it though.

Leave your comment below and let us know what you think!!

Adam Lambert on Paula Abdul’s “American Idol” Departure: “She Made Me Feel Safe”

Adam Lambert on Paula Abdul’s “American Idol” Departure: “She Made Me Feel Safe”

8/7/09, 12:46 pm EST

Paula Abdul’s departure from her American Idol judge’s chair has left producers with a hole to fill, but Adam Lambert says it will be difficult to replace the unique qualities Abdul brought to the show in her eight seasons: support, love and heart. Last season’s runner-up tells Rolling Stone, “I love Paula,” that he checked in with Abdul after her unexpected Twitter announcement, and is sure she’ll find success in her future endeavors. But there’s no question she’ll miss her role as hopefuls’ support system.

“She obviously is going to miss interacting with all the Idol contestants, she really loves that process of discovering new talent,” Lambert says. “I think she brings so much heart to the show. She’s so supportive, she knows what it’s like to be a performer and she really provides a sense of safety for the auditioners in the room. I have no doubt her future endeavors will bring her success and happiness. She’s got a lot that she’s capable of.” (Click above to watch our interview with Lambert — and check back next week for an update on his album and the Idol tour.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Adam Lambert Judge FAV Paula Abdul Is Not Returning to American Idol

The entertainment world was stunned Tuesday night when news broke that Paula Abdul will not be returning to American Idol this coming season.

The judge was unable to come to financial terms with the show's producers about her return.

Abdul just took to her official Twitter to talk about her departure from the #1 show in America.

She says:

With sadness in my heart, I’ve decided not to return to #IDOL. I’ll miss nurturing all the new talent, but most of all..Cont'd…

I’ll miss nurturing all the new talent,but most of all being a part of a show that I helped from day1become an international phenomenon.

What I want to say most, is how much I appreciate the undying support and enormous love that you have showered upon me

It truly has been breathtaking, especially over the past month

I do without any doubt have the BEST fans in the entire world and I love you all

Paula Abdul was very vocal about how much she believed in Adam Lambert last season. I, for one, think she added a great deal of heart to the show and think AI could have paid her a little more.

I think she's more of an asset the Ryan Seacrest who is getting a huge 15 million dollar a season paycheck for the next 3 years!!!

Should they have spent the money on Ryan or should they have spent on Paula? Leave you comment in the comment section below.

Adam Lambert is now on TWITTER!

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

We are now on TWITTER!!!
Be sure to add our new Twitter account to get up to the minute Adam Lambert news!

We Have Our Last Meet & Greet Winner!!

Our final contest is now officially closed!
We would like to thank everyone for making this contest the most successful we have ever had in all of our websites history!

Please be sure to check back often for more updates, prizes, and contest!

The winner of the last Meet & Greet is:

Barbara Lamardo
of Central Florida


Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest!
Your donations do help grow this website to be one of the leading sources
for Adam Lambert news, videos, and photos.

Adam Lambert's Fans Throwing Sex Toys Onstage!

Fans have taken it up a notch from throwing bras and panties at Adam Lambert during the American Idol summer tour. Now they're tossing up sex toys.

"It's going further, and somebody threw onstage a red-leather tasseled whip," he tells us. "Yeah, and then the next night, I got one that was made out of, like, purple fur. It's getting really S&M."

How's he dealing with the newfound fan freakiness? Find out...

"It interesting," he says. "I got some glow-in-the-dark handcuffs. It's really getting creative. It's exciting. I think they really want me to play with these toys during the number."

So does he? "I always try to because I enjoy that," he says. "But then somebody threw a bra on during 'Starlight,' and, literally, it missed my face by three inches. Yeah, I am going to be a little bit more passive-aggressive, so I decided not to even acknowledge the bra that got thrown on stage, because I didn't want to condone the behavior."

The upside to the new X-rated projectiles? "I'm glad it was a soft material and wasn't anything hard. I'm not really into S&M, but it's definitely tempting."

Oh, Adam!

What do you make of this? Talk about it in the comments below.