Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Adam Lambert Announces Band For AMA Awards Show

With just over six days left to purchase the debut Adam Lambert CD For Your Entertainment, fans will now get the chance to listen to the entire album at the Season 8 American Idol runner-up's MySpace. Additionally, Lambert has been rehearsing with his newly announced band for upcoming television appearances on the American Music Awards, Late Show With David Letterman and Good Morning America.

In a Twitter message today, Adam writes: "On my way to rehearsals for the AMA performance of For Your Entertainment. My band and dancers are siiiiick."

In an earlier message, Adam revealed a photo and his band members first names: "My band and I on set! Lisa on keys, Monte on guitar, Tommy on bass, and Longineu on drums. These musicians are the best!!!

Adam Lambert Band

In our best guess, the band consists of:

Monte Pittman (Madonna, Prong) on guitar
Tommy Victor (Prong) on bass
Longineu Parsons III (Yellowcard) on drums

Lisa Pittman on keyboards

Monte Pittman and Longineu Parsons were revealed through various Twitter messages, while Adam has a history of performing in the band Citizen Vein with Prong bandmates Monte Pittman and Tommy Victor. Monte also co-wrote some material on For Your Entertainment. The best guess for Lisa, is Lisa Pittman, who was the background vocalist on her husband Monte's CD The Deepest Dark. She was around the Citizen Vein band and has taken published photos of them. One rumor about the identity of Lisa is that she is Lisa Coleman from Wendy & Lisa and Prince & The Revoluition, however confirmation from Coleman's partner and manager Renata Kanclerz has confirmed it is not her. A further Lisa being thrown about is Lisa Rae Harriton, the keyboard player from Smashing Pumpkins

Further speculation is that the bassist is TommyJoe Ratliff, who other than a private MySpace profile has pretty much no information available anywhere.

There is no confirmation if this is the permanent band that will tour with Lambert.

Adam Lambert & Band Dates:

22 Nov American Music Awards
25 Nov David Letterman
25 Nov Good Morning America


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