Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sneak peek of Adam Lambert's "Time for Miracles"

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With only about a month to go before the release of the movie 2012 along with Adam Lambert's single Time for Miracles from the soundtrack, fans can get a little taste of what's to come out on AOL video and YouTube (posted by Amazon).

The AOL video also provides a trailer for the movie and some behind-the-scenes video with Adam. Check it out here.

Watch more Moviefone videos on AOL Video

The song sounds fantastic so far--very polished, full of emotion, and Adam's unique talent shines through once again.Many listeners think the fabulous Mr. Lambert may even position himself for an Oscar nomination for the soundtrack.

I'll be curious to see how well the single sells once it's released, and I'm looking forward to hearing the entire song. Adam's wild success proves once again that you don't have to nab the title to be a winner.


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