Thursday, October 29, 2009

Adam Lambert defends ‘campy’ album cover

The cover Adam Lambert's new album, “For Your Entertainment,” is raising eyebrows, but Lambert claims he's in on the joke.

By Ree Hines contributor
updated 9:05 p.m. ET Oct. 28, 2009

To those who found Adam Lambert’s upcoming album cover to be a tacky mash-up of twinkling fonts, outdated inspiration and retouching gone wrong, the “American Idol” runner-up wants to make one thing perfectly clear: he meant to do that.

The singer took to his Twitter account Wednesday, hoping to convince critics that the cover art represented a tongue-in-cheek tribute rather than a personal case of bad taste.

“Thank you to those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy,” Lambert wrote. “It's an (homage) to the past. It IS ridiculous.”

If some are still undecided about the singer’s fairly obvious intent (seriously, forget the glitter — the pore-free “glamour shot” look and frosty pink lipstick give it away), Lambert takes comfort in the fact he was at least noticed, if not understood.

“For those that don't get it: oh well…Glad to have gotten your attention,” the performer tweeted before signing off with, "Androgyny. Rock n Roll.”


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