Saturday, June 6, 2009

Clay Aiken's Fans Spreading Lies About Adam Lambert

Clay Aiken hates Adam Lambert.

I'm not quite sure how Clay Aiken is still relevant anymore. However, his cult members... I mean fans... feel it necessary to spread bold faced lies about Adam Lambert.

Intriguing new developments have popped up in the curious story of Adam Lambert's supposed bad attitude.

Earlier this week, a report surfaced that American Idol runner-up Lambert had turned into a terror on the publicity trail, with people who had supposedly worked with him characterizing the singer as "such a diva" and "rude to everyone."

And now, claims the blog Clay Aiken 411, the true source of the story has been revealed.

The site says that fans of former American Idol contestant Clay Aiken—popularly known as "Claymates"—orchestrated the story in an effort to "get even" with Lambert.

There's been increasing bad blood between Aiken and Lambert in the past couple of weeks. After Aiken slammed Lambert's performance on his Web site, Lambert cheekily shot back that Aiken was trying to "ride my coattails."

And now, it appears, the escalating feud may have led Clay's fans to engage in a touch of character assassination.

Luckily, Adam has the support of good friends to get him through these difficult times.

I, for one, could tell this was a lie from the get go. In all the paparazzi shots when people around Adam are flinching and frowning in annoyance at the flashing bulbs... Adam always has a smile on his face. He seems like a great guy and I think it's disgusting that those freaks, I mean fans, of Clay Aiken are trying to bad mouth him.


Gina said...

PLEASE read this and know it is the truth. As a Clay fan, I wish Adam much success. He will do well.

upinflames said...

Clay Aiken does not hate Adam Lambert . Adam Lambert is not a rude diva . Why are you buying into the lies of a sociopath and his followers ? These wackos are rubbing their hands with glee over the clueless Aiken and Lambert fans who are fighting to defend the Idol they love . Adam is becoming a mega star . Clay has been successful for 6 years . Each of them need their fans to support their careers , not waste time beating each other up over rumors that are not backed up by facts . I love them both and I hate what the media and bloggers are getting away with .

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