Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here's your chance to MEET ADAM LAMBERT!!

Meet Adam Lambert in person!

We have our WINNER!!!

Congrats: Angela Ancaranna

check back for our last meet and greet package contest... being posted soon!!

Adam Lambert Exclusive Webisode Premiere

Here it is, the first official Adam Lambert Webisode premiering exclusively on! Check out footage of Adam as he heads to his Rolling Stone photo shoot, talking about the first steps he's taking towards his debut album and more!

Stayed tuned for new videos from Adam coming your was at least every other week.

Click here to watch the Adam Lambert Webisode!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Adam Lambert "Stalker" Song Now On ITunes!

Sin Synthetic's Adam Lambert Song Is Now Available!

If you haven't heard this song yet... Where have you been? Artist Sin Synthetic stirred up a bit of controversy on the web when his Myspace Music page began playing a new song called: Adam Lambert. What had the blogs buzzing was the lyrics. Sin Synthetic states that he wrote this song from the point of view of a crazed glambert stalker. "This song is just fun. I am in no way a stalker. This is just a story I'm telling...", Sin Synthetic explains. "I think Adam himself will see the fun in it... at least I hope he does."

Here are a few of the lyrics taken from Sin Synthetic's Myspace page:

My new song "Adam Lambert" is a song to him as seen through the eyes of a stalker.
Here are some of the lyrics:

Adam - I'll be your Eden - Just give me something
To believe in
Adam - I want you - And I think you want me too
Tell me that you want me too
I'll do anything you want to do - What do you want to do
Adam - Your in my dreams - Your in my head
And now I'm lying in your bed
Oh Adam - Are these your clothes - Is this your brush
Are these the things you left for me
I'm so glad I stole that hotel key
And now it's like your lying here next to me

I personally love this song... I think it's creative with a very sexy beat. You can download the song now on Itunes!

Be sure to leave a comment on our blog letting us know what you think of the song. Is it: Creative and fun, Creepy... someone alert the authorities, Or my new favorite song!

Here is Sin Synthetic's music player from his myspace. The first song is the Adam Lambert song. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Song Released IS NOT New Material

We still have to wait a bit longer for new Adam songs.

In an attempt to drum up more press, the label head responsible for releasing Adam Lambert's old recordings is speaking out!

John Hecker, CEO of Hi Fi Recordings, claims that the American Idol runner-up co-wrote the tracks on his album, On With The Show, which Hecker plans to release this summer.

Hold up!


We recall Glambert saying: "Back in 2005 when I was a struggling artist, I was hired as a studio singer to lend my vocals to tracks written by someone else."

Hecker tells a different story!

"The music's amazing," the Hi Fi Recordings CEO tells Billboard. "There are some uptempo [songs], there's some that rock a little more, and there are some songs on the same tip as Want. It's a real album that's coming out, not just a conglomerate of a bunch of songs. This is all original material — as a matter of fact, Adam wrote a lot of it."


Hecker claims Glambert stopped into the studio days before the Idol finale and was "blown away by the material."

And even though the label head hasn't talked to 19 Entertainment because it "wasn't relevant" at the time, Hecker is confident releasing Adam's album before the new Glamberella material is out is in no ways illegal

Says Hecker: "We would never put anything out that wasn't fully owned by the parties involved with all the rights secured. We were really careful."

And of course, Hecker believes what he is doing is best for Glambert's career!

"I'm working [Adam's] brand with as much care as anybody could," he concludes. "I do not want to hurt this guy, I want this guy to be as huge as he should be, and I think this music is only going to help."


Sounds to us like this guy just wants to ca$h in on the Glambert's recent rise to fame!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Adam Lambert's New Single HERE!!!

Adam Lambert's New Single: Want

Be sure to click pause on the page player at the top of the page. The first song on this player is the new Adam Lambert Single: WANT.

Let us know what you think of the song in the comments section of this blog.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Adam Lambert Joins Forces with Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" Producer RedOne

Adam Lambert's New Album to be Released This Autumn!

American Idol runner-up and current Rolling Stone cover star Adam Lambert will be working on six songs with RedOne on his debut album, the hitmaker told the Los Angeles Times‘ Pop & Hiss blog. RedOne is the producer behind three of Lady Gaga’s biggest hits — “Poker Face,” “LoveGame” and the Grammy-winning “Just Dance.”

“I want to go rock — David Bowie and Queen, but make it more easy for people to get,” RedOne said of his plans for Lambert. “It has to be rock, but with an interesting dance angle to it, you know? You’ll like it.” According to the LAT, RedOne and Lambert shared about five hours of studio time together this past weekend. RedOne’s goals echo what Lambert himself told RS about what he hopes to accomplish with his debut album. “I want to do something that has theatricality, a nod to the glam rockers that I love, but is also contemporary,” Lambert said.

While Lambert’s reps wouldn’t confirm the collaboration to LAT, Lambert did tell Parade, “I can say that is true. We have been writing the past couple days and I think we’re going to come out with some amazing tunes. I’m going to have my own sound but I do love Lady Gaga. I’m a huge fan.” Lambert also added that he’s already deep into the process of writing for the new album.

“You know what I like about him? He’s fresh,” RedOne told LAT. “You can go almost whatever direction with him. People know him from being on American Idol, singing other people’s songs, but you can take him in a new direction, and this will be the first time you hear Adam Lambert with his signature. My goal is to get his signature out from him to the world.” Lambert’s debut disc is penciled in for an autumn release.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adam Lambert's Online Chat: Read the Questions and Answers Here

Read the Adam Lambert online chat here!

Victor Balta: Hi, everyone! Welcome to our live chat with Adam Lambert! We'll get started at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT, but go ahead and start submitting your questions/comments for Adam. We're expecting a bit crowd today, so please be patient as we try to get through as many questions as possible in our 30 minutes with Adam.
Moderator: Hi Everyone. We're looking forward to reading your questions and we're doing our best to get them answered. Please do NOT submit the same question more than once. It does not increase the likelihood of it getting asked and it creates a backlog. We will consider it spamming and we all know what happens to spam.
Victor Balta: You guys are firing off a mass of questions! Please be patient... we're trying to get through them as the moderator is working to find the best ones!
Victor Balta: Just a few more minutes...
Victor Balta: We're still waiting for Adam, folks... he's being pulled from tour rehearsals to do this chat, so please be patient.
[Comment From Cynthia]
Thanks Victor. Glamberts are not known for their patience, but we'll try :-)
Victor Balta: LOL
Victor Balta: Here we go.... welcome, Adam Lambert....
Adam Lambert: Hey, guys... thanks for coming online today! I'm so, so excited to be able to talk to you.
[Comment From Ace (ontdai)]
Adam, can you verify that your twitter is real?
[Comment From ontdai]
Are you therealglambert on Twitter?
Adam Lambert: It is TheRealGlambert... that is me... Finally I got a Twitter!
[Comment From totl]
When asked about what it's like to see you perform live, Kris referred to you as "mind-blowing". How would you describe Kris?
Adam Lambert: Hmm... tranquil... and I'm trying to think of the right word... and heartfelt.
[Comment From Melanie]
Hi Adam! What was your favorite outfit that you wore during American
Adam Lambert: Haha... probably the outfit for... I loved the suit that I wore during Disco week. It's a Roberto Cavalli suit, and it's just wonderful.
[Comment From Judi]
I love your positive outlook and “attitude of gratitude” demeanor. Have you always lived your life with this outlook, or did it develop over time? What do you do for yourself to help you maintain such a positive outlook on life?
Adam Lambert: It kind of did develop over time. You grow older and you realize how lucky you are to be in certain situations based on your hindsight and perspective. And whenever I feelt myself slipping at all or getting into a negative headspace, I remind myself of people who don't have what they want or don't feel as free as I've felt of late. And that makes me feel how fortunate I am.
[Comment From Catherine]
I know it's way early, but have you thought about what the name of your first album was going to be? Do you have any ideas yet?
Adam Lambert: It is a bit early. I'm fond of the idea of taking a line from a song that's going to be on the album and taking the title from that. But it's still early. We're just starting the writing process. It'll be provocative, nonetheless.
[Comment From Kelly]
How would you classify your music genre or is it a blend of many?
Adam Lambert: I think it's a blend of many. I don't think that I fit into one category, so I am inspired by many different kinds of music, so I hope to create, like, a fusion.
[Comment From Tonya from"ONE" fan group]
Adam, I would cut off my right arm just to meet you, will there be a meet and greet for fans on tour?
Adam Lambert: Hahaha... yeah, I believe so. I hope so. I think that after our performances, we'll definitely be signing autographs and seeing you guys and taking pictures. Because you guys are why we're here.
[Comment From Meg]
All the Glamberts are hoping you give them a shout out today on this comcast. Will you say hi to the Glamberts? They have been waiting anxiously all day. I know I am one of them. IveBeenAdamized Glambert.
Adam Lambert: Yo, yo Glamberts! I love the name and thank you all for the support. You're incredible. Thank you for the presents and the letters of support.
[Comment From GangstaGlambert]
Do you wear ALL the stuff Glamberts send you? I noticed you wear a lot of fan stuff that's pretty cool.
Adam Lambert: To be honest, I wear the stuff that I like! hahaha... sometimes stuff doesn't fit, sometimes the sizes are wrong, and sometimes it just doesn't go with my style. But I appreciate it all, and if I decide not to wear something, I usually give it to a friend or someone who will appreciate it, so it doesn't go to waste.
Adam Lambert: Also, it would be really cool if we could take the money spent on that stuff and donate it to charity. My closet's getting pretty full! I'm working on setting up a charity, so I'll Twitter about it very soon.
[Comment From courtneywaller]
a lot of people, myself included, consider you to be quite the sex symbol, how does that feel and how do you plan to keep yourself at the sex symbol status?
Adam Lambert: It feels really strange because I don't think of myself that way... I kind of have grown up with a slight ugly duckling kind of complex. In high school, I was overweight and awkward and didn't feel sexy. In the last couple of years, I've become comfortable in my own skin, and I do feel sexy now, but not the kind of sexy you see in a mirror, but it's more of an inside-out thing. And thank you for the compliment because it makes me feel really good!
[Comment From Debi F]
Hi Adam. Congrats on being named a "Sexiest bachelor"! Did you ever mess up a song while on Idol? Not that I noticed.
Adam Lambert: I hit some bunk notes, but I think I got all the lyrics right, I think. For the most part.
[Comment From kradisonfan]
Will you consider doing a video diary during the tour (as David Cook did last year), so your fans can see some behind-the-scenes things? (will be even more awesome if they involve Kris & Allison!)
Adam Lambert: Yeah, we've actually begun doing that. There's a video up already on my official web site, which is, and we're definitely going to be contributing more and more to that. Not only the tour, but the creation of the album and various activities I'm involved with right now.
[Comment From Tippidy]
Will you be performing Ring of Fire on the Idol tour?
[Comment From Cassidy]
Adam, are you going to be singing Mad World on tour?
Adam Lambert: I am performing "Mad World." I am not performing Ring of Fire.
[Comment From Allena]
hi adam!! do you think being a front runner throughout the whole competition hurt you in anyway??
Adam Lambert: Not at all. No, I really enjoyed people's support, and I think it helped.
Adam Lambert: It helped get me to the finals!
[Comment From MarielaLTB01]
Can you give us a line or two from a song you've written lately?
Adam Lambert: Hmmm... I actually am not allowed to! For legal purposes, but I wish I could!
[Comment From Amanda]
Adam, you're awesome and I can't wait for your album. Do you have any plans on doing any duets with any of the other idols on their or your album?
[Comment From Rachel]
Hey Adam! If you could do a duet with any singer, who would it be and why?
Adam Lambert: We do not have plans -- yet. But that's not to say it's not going to happen. it's all in discussion. Basically, we have to acquire a bunch of songs, then decide which songs make the album. So as we collect songs, we'll see where a duet would fit in. As far as performing with any other singers, I have a huge list, but I think Lady Gaga would be a blast to perform with. She's innovative and brave and really, really fresh.
[Comment From Glambert #3286]
On the AI site stylist Miles Siggins is quoted as saying “On occasion, we had to rein (Adam) in, plead, beg, whatever … to stop him from wearing something. And to his credit, and my relief, he usually listened!” What were some of the outfits they talked you out of?
Adam Lambert: There's actually only one. And it was just the idea that was really cool, but the actual execution just felt a little bit corny. But, for the most part, Miles and Art and I collaborated like a team and we had a great time putting outfits together.
[Comment From CoconutGhosts]
why did you decide to attach a butterfly to your pants on the rolling stone cover?
Adam Lambert: I did not do that, that was the stylist.
[Comment From littleblackdress]
What are the tour colors for your fans?
Adam Lambert: Blue and silver... and definitely a lot of black. And bring your black nail polish and your eyeliner, people! And just sprinkle glitter all over everything!
[Comment From Paula]
Who taught you to do your own eyeliner?
Adam Lambert: I taught myself. I've been doing theater for years and you have to learn how to do stage makeup in your early days, so it's not that different.
Would you ever consider acting in films?
Adam Lambert: Yeah, that would be amazing. First goal is the record, maybe a music video, and touring and everything that comes with an album. Then we'll see what happens after that.
[Comment From Annie]
Hi Adam. I'm a big fan...Huge fan, actually. Do you ever feel like the media blew your "crush" on Kris out of proportion? You just said that the guy was cute. It's not like you're doodling his name on your notebook.
Adam Lambert: Yeah, I think that's kind of how the rpess works. They tend to sensationalize every little thing you say, and repeat it and repeat it. Sometimes, it's like the game of telephone... what you say gets exaggerated and changed. But I find it all very funny and I'm not upset by that at all. That's just the way it goes.
[Comment From Dragonfly]
Growing up, were you ever a crazy awe-struck fan of any artist?
Adam Lambert: I was always really into Madonna and Michael Jackson. I thought they were so original and inventive and bold.
[Comment From Kayla]
Do you play any instruments, or have any hobbies we might not know about?
Adam Lambert: I do not play any instruments... except my throat. I don't really have any hobbies that you guys wouldn't know about. If I can think of anything that will surprise you guys, I promise I'll let you know.
[Comment From cassie]
does it bother you that everyone made your sexuality such a big deal?
Adam Lambert: It doesn't bother me. I'm sure that it's interesting to people, but I do think that we should focus more on the music, because ultimately my sexual preference really doesn't have anything to do with me as an entertainer.
[Comment From noskerdycat]
Adam, in several interviews you said you want to make music with an "electronic" sound. How will you keep that from overpowering your beautiful vocals?
Adam Lambert: The electronic element is mainly for the instrumentation, it has very little to do with the vocals. You can play an acoustic bass, an electric bass or a synth bass. It's all bass. It just has to do with the sonic aesthetic. The vocals will remain very true to the kind of vocals you heard on Idol, with added layers and harmonies. There'll be a lot more depth.
[Comment From Michelle T]
Hi, Adam. Watching you finally (at the age of 26 almost 27) gave me the kick in the backside that I needed to audition for Idol. Tomorrow is the big day. What one piece of advice could you pass on to me and all of the other hopefuls?
Adam Lambert: I think that you really just got to make sure you're being true to yourself. You've got to be genuine and authentic. If you're putting on an act, people won't go for it. But at the same time, make sure that you're entertaining them. It's more than your singing voice. It's the way you look, the way you talk to them, the way you make eye contact. It's about the way you communicate the lyrics to the song. Think about more than just the voice.
[Comment From Kiera]
What is your response to fans who are so upset because they feel you should have won, that they are saying they will never watch American Idol again.
Adam Lambert: Well, I mean, I think that Kris won because he got more votes, fair and square. It doesn't really make much of a difference as far as my career is concerned, if you're a fan of mine. I'm still on the Idol tour. I'm working on an album, set to release in the fall. That was yesterday, let's focus on tomorrow.
[Comment From LiLisa]
Hi Adam! I'm a huge fan of you. I enjoyed watching you on Idol this season. You always brought sooo much energy to the Idol stage and amazing performances. What was your favourite performance you did of the Season and why?
Adam Lambert: It's hard to name a favorite. I thought that they were all so different and really exciting to perform. I felt like Ring of Fire was really exciting because it was kind of shocking and different and unexpected. But I also had an amazing time performing Whole Lotta Love. I love that song and I love Led Zeppelin. To be able to perform a classic rock masterpiece like that on American Idol was very, very cool.
[Comment From Massie]
In an interview you said you didn't get along with one person, who was that?
Adam Lambert: I did say that? I'm not going to say, because that wouldn't be very nice.
[Comment From Marq]
What were your Wednesdays like could you ever take your mind off what the results would be?
Adam Lambert: I kind of just figured that if I worried about it too much it would just make myself crazy. So I kind of let go and went with the philosophy that whatever's going to happen is going to happen. The only thing I had control over was my performance. So, what will be will be. That kind of put my mind at ease.
[Comment From Jim Diamond]
What should people know about you that they don't?
Adam Lambert: Haha... I think everybody knows everything.
[Comment From Seekingproof]
Adam, have you ever thought about publishing your pre-idol poetry?
Adam Lambert: No, but that's an interesting idea. Maybe I should consider it.
[Comment From KellyAnn]
Adam, what do you consider sexy?
Adam Lambert: Confidence, intelligence, and self-expression.
Adam Lambert: And talent.
[Comment From Lisa Smith]
Hi Adam: Your fans are dying to know what kind of cologne you wear! Please reveal! Thanks, & I love you with all my heart!!
Adam Lambert: Hahaha... I wear Dior Homme.
[Comment From Pam]
Will you be doing any interviews for publications that are geared more toward children to share your story and message of encouragement to embrace their differences?
Adam Lambert: I have no plans to do that at this point. If the opportunity presents itself and it's appropriate, I will take it.
[Comment From Unicorn]
Will there be a giant dance number during the tour? Like disco night?
Adam Lambert: I don't think so. We're not dancing that much on tour.
[Comment From Sheryl]
Question for Adam: Besides using the steam room/humidifier, drinking lots of water and texting instead of talking, what other methods or rituals do you use to maintain your voice in tiptop condition?
Adam Lambert: Throat-coat tea and honey are really great.
[Comment From Cheri]
When will you be appearing on Ellen Degeneres show? Has a date been set? I don't want to miss it. 42 & loving you in Pittsburgh
Adam Lambert: A date has not been set. I know that both Ellen and myself really want to sit down and talk, so hopefully soon. Perhaps when I am promoting my album.
[Comment From Cassidy]
Adam, is it true that you met Madonna? How did you meet her?
Adam Lambert: I was introduced through a mutual friend and colleague, and it was crazy. She's one of my idols. We didn't get to speak for very long, she's very busy, but she was really connected and very present, and she had some great advice about this new-found notoriety.
[Comment From Melanie]
Adam, what was your favorite moment with the other idols, not shown on camera? I wish you much success and happiness, keep smiling!
Adam Lambert: I had some great talks about life with... I remember there was one night in particular after a performance night, where Kris, Lil, Anoop and I just kind of sat downstairs in the mansion and just talked about life, and I renjoyed that. I like discussions about things and sharing feelings about the way things are, and that was really memorable.
[Comment From Bowie22]
Are you in an exclusive relationship right now?
Adam Lambert: No. I am dating.
[Comment From hansley]
Whats the thing you regret the most in life?
Adam Lambert: I really don't have any regrets. I'm really, very, very satisfied with my life, and so far I've had a great journey and I have no regrets.
[Comment From Andres]
Do you feel dissapointed on the comments that the lead singer of Kiss made about you talking too much about your sexuality?
Adam Lambert: I disagree with him. I think that by him saying people don't care in America, I think he's grossly misinformed, because that's what everybody was talking about incessently. That's why I chose to talk about it, because it was all anybody was talking about. I also find it very hypocritical, considering that he talks about his sex life constantly.
Adam Lambert: But that's ok. I think he's a very talented guy and I love Kiss.
[Comment From citizen_vain]
Astrology seems very important to you. How did you become interested in it?
Adam Lambert: I've always really just found it fascinating, and when I first started reading about my sing, which is aquarius, I felt it was pretty accurate. Then, when I did my chart to find my rising and moon signs, I thought it was extremely accurate. And the more I do about other people's charts, I also saw they were very accurate. But I know we're a product of our environment, so that has to do with it, as well. We also tend to reflect the company we keep. So it's a little bit of everything.
[Comment From Beth]
There are noticeable differences, mainly in melody, in some of your AI live and studio versions. Were the studio versions the way you originally intended to perform the songs on the show or were you making a conscious decision to present a distinct live version?
Adam Lambert: To be honest, a lot of the times when I sing, I have the basic melody that I rehearse with, then most of the time I just kind of improvise certain melody options and kind of go with whatever strikes me at the moment. I kind of like singing in a fly by the seat of your pants type of way. So when recording a studio version, we do multiple takes and I'll do it a bunch of different ways and the producers of the track pick what they like the best.
Victor Balta: Two more questions!
[Comment From Ace (ontdai)]
Adam, how did you first discover Glamrock, and specifically Velvet Goldmine?
Adam Lambert: Haha... I was aware of who David Bowie was. My father has his records and showed me some of the cover art and I was very intrigued by somebody in 70s rock that dressed the way he did. It was very cool and inventive. Then I discovered T Rex. I don't know how I found Velvet Goldmine, but once I saw it, I was obsessed with it. I thought it was a genius movie, both in plot and also, visually and musicially. In all elements it was just really cool.
[Comment From Kelly]
Are your parents shocked by your physical transformation over the years?
Adam Lambert: It's been pretty gradual, so it wasn't like an overnight thing. I think the first time I dyed my hair balck, my mom was, like, "Whoa! Really dramatic." But I've always been playing dress-up, so I don't think it was really much of a shock to them to see me experimenting with the way I look.
Adam Lambert: Thank you guys so much for chatting with me today. I'm so excited to perform for everybody live on tour this summer. Be sure you check it out. There's definitely some new music that was not on the show. And wait until you see my outfit. It rocks!
Victor Balta: Thanks, Adam!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Online Chat with Adam Lambert Live Wed. June 17th

Live Online Chat with Adam Lambert!

Do you have burning questions you've been wanting to ask the Top 10 finalists on "American Idol" all season? Now's your chance.

Join "Eye on Idol" Wednesday as they host a 30-minute live chat with "Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT on

Adam will be here to answer your questions about his time on the show, what's next in his career, and his plans for the "American Idols Live" tour this summer. Scroll down and click the Adam Lambert chat module to participate!

Adam Lambert Nominated for 2 Teen Choice Awards

More Awards For Adam Lambert!

Congratulations to Adam Lambert for being nominated for TWO Teen Choice Awards including Choice TV: Male Reality/Variety Star and Male Choice Red Carpet Icon! Click here to vote and be sure to tune in to the 2009 Teen Choice Awards on FOX, Monday, August 10th at 8pm to see the results!

* Please note: Voters must register at and be between the ages of 13 and 19 years old.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Adam Lambert On 20/20 this Friday June 12th

Adam Lambert On 20/20

Following his amazing Rolling Stone Magazine cover, on newsstands everywhere now, Adam Lambert's next must-see interview will be shown on ABC's 20/20, this Friday, June 12th,at 10PM ET. Don't miss it!

I, for one, will be setting my DVR to record... ;o)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adam Lambert: "I don't think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear I'm gay."

"I don't think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear I'm gay," American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert tells the new issue of Rolling Stone. "I've been living in Los Angeles for eight years as a gay man. I've been at clubs drunk making out with somebody in the corner."
Lambert says he decided to wait to come out in Rolling Stone because it would be "cooler."
He explains, "Right after the finale, I almost started talking about it to the reporters, but I thought, 'I'm going to wait for Rolling Stone, that will be cooler.' I didn’t want the Clay Aiken thing and the celebrity-magazine bullshit. I need to be able to explain myself in context. I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me."
According to Rolling Stone, Adam was open about his sexuality backstage at Idol. Lambert admits that he was nervous about coming out while Idol was still on the air because contestants are under a media embargo, preventing them from talking to reporters, and he wanted to do it on his "own terms." (He also says producers were open to him handling it however he wanted to.)
"I was worried that [coming out] would be so sensationalized that it would overshadow what I was there to do, which was sing," Lambert tells the mag. "I'm an entertainer, and who I am and what I do in my personal life is a separate thing. it shouldn't matter. Except it does. It's really confusing."
Lambert says he was inspired to audition for the Fox network singing competition after having a "psychedelic experience" at the Burning Man festival in Nevada. There, he says, he experimented with "certain funguses."
"I knew that it was my only shot to be taken seriously in the recording industry, because it's fast and broad," he says of Idol.
Despite being gay, Glambert says he enjoys attention from the ladies too. "I loved it this season when the girls went crazy for me," he says. "As far as I'm concerned, it's all hot."
Plus, Adam reveals to Rolling Stone that he had a crush on Idol winner Kris Allen during the show!
When Idol producers put him in a room to share with Allen, Lambert says his first thought was, "They put me with the cute guy. Distracting! He's the one guy I found attractive in the whole group on the show: nice, nonchalant, pretty and totally my type — except that he has a wife. I mean he's open-minded and liberal, but he's definitely 100% straight."
Glambert also talks about the many photos of him dressed in drag and making out with boys that leaked on the Internets. He says that he forgot to remove photos from his profile on a social network for the Burning Man festival in Nevada. "Wasn't ready for that," he says. "I've only dressed in drag three or four times. … I don't tuck and wear breasts, that's not me."
Lambert proclaims that he supports the gay-rights movement but doesn't want to be really involved. Mkay. "I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader," he says.
Stereotypes about gays do annoy Adam. "Clay Aiken's gay, and I'm gay, and we couldn't be more different. The only thing that is the same about everyone in the gay community is that we're gay. … Why can't we talk about a human community?"
In addition to his homosexuality, Lambert shares other personal details with Rolling Stone.
At 21, he was in a European tour of Hair for six months. That was when he dyed his hair black. In Germany, he started smoking pot and tried Ecstasy. But he does have limits. Among his dislikes: cocaine.
"That drug is such a reflection of the lack of self-esteem and control people have over themselves and their lives," he says.
Lambert credits the FOX reality show with helping him gain self confidence.
"I finally checked into my self-worth for the first time in my life, and the fact that it coincided with Idol is so sweet," he says. "I mean, I still have moments where I think, 'Oh, my skin is terrible, and I'm a little fat — I should really go to the gym more.' But for the most part, when I look in the mirror now, I finally see somebody who can do something cool."

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Clay Aiken's Fans Spreading Lies About Adam Lambert

Clay Aiken hates Adam Lambert.

I'm not quite sure how Clay Aiken is still relevant anymore. However, his cult members... I mean fans... feel it necessary to spread bold faced lies about Adam Lambert.

Intriguing new developments have popped up in the curious story of Adam Lambert's supposed bad attitude.

Earlier this week, a report surfaced that American Idol runner-up Lambert had turned into a terror on the publicity trail, with people who had supposedly worked with him characterizing the singer as "such a diva" and "rude to everyone."

And now, claims the blog Clay Aiken 411, the true source of the story has been revealed.

The site says that fans of former American Idol contestant Clay Aiken—popularly known as "Claymates"—orchestrated the story in an effort to "get even" with Lambert.

There's been increasing bad blood between Aiken and Lambert in the past couple of weeks. After Aiken slammed Lambert's performance on his Web site, Lambert cheekily shot back that Aiken was trying to "ride my coattails."

And now, it appears, the escalating feud may have led Clay's fans to engage in a touch of character assassination.

Luckily, Adam has the support of good friends to get him through these difficult times.

I, for one, could tell this was a lie from the get go. In all the paparazzi shots when people around Adam are flinching and frowning in annoyance at the flashing bulbs... Adam always has a smile on his face. He seems like a great guy and I think it's disgusting that those freaks, I mean fans, of Clay Aiken are trying to bad mouth him.