Saturday, August 7, 2010

Adam Lamberts Take on Sin Synthetic's "Stalker" Song

As most of you know by now, there is a song by artist Sin Synthetic about Adam Lambert. It's a very creepy stalker type song. To be honest I wasn't sure I liked it until I emailed the artist about the meaning of the song. He stated to me that he is a huge fan of Adam Lambert, however, the song is tongue and cheek. It's not to be taken seriously, and he strongly discourages anyone to stalk Adam Lambert or any other celebrity.

I went to Sin Synthetic's Itunes page for this song and read some of the over 260 reviews. Most of the reviews on Itunes were scathing negative remarks. It seemed only a small handful of people shared my new found amusement with the song.

With such dramatic responses I wondered if Adam Lambert himself has heard the song, and if he did what he thought of it. I tried, however, was not able to get any official response from Adam's camp. However, I was able to communicate with some people close to Adam. They did say that he has heard the song and he "Loves It". They said he was actually very flattered by it.

I'm glad to see that Adam Lambert has a great sense of humor and is able to see the levity in things. I just hope that more of his fans would relax and see Sin Synthetic's song as a playful tribute to a sexy and talented man.

As of my last email with Sin Synthetic, he has stated that Adam has not contacted him. However, he was sure to mention that if he did it "would be a dream come true".

Come on Adam... I want to see pictures of the infamous "stalker" with Adam Lambert. LOL That would be great!

Adam Lambert... or anyone can contact Sin Synthetic at or email him at

If you haven't heard the "Adam Lambert Stalker Song" click here.


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