Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lady Gaga Defends Adam Lambert from Homophobe

Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

It’s not a secret anymore that Adam Lambert, the American Idol runner-up that got to have perhaps more fans than the official winner of season 8, is a fan of Lady Gaga’s, having even worked with her on a track from his debut album. According to ShowbizSpy, the feeling is mutual and there is virtually nothing the singer wouldn’t do to defend her friend, especially when attacked by a homophobe.

The report originates from the National Enquirer, which, some may say, is not exactly the most reliable of sources but that, nevertheless, has been known to break many a major story throughout the years. According to the tab, at one of her most recent concerts, Gaga was verbally pushed into a corner by a member of the audience for being friends with Lambert, who is very open about his orientation, which is also obvious in his music, some believe.

“I saw you and Adam Lambert on the AMA show, and the guy’s a flaming [expletive] – and I also think that you’re actually a MAN!” the person reportedly shouted in Gaga’s face. Not for even a second did the singer lose her cool and, staring the man right in the eyes, she told him that, “Well, that’s your opinion, isn’t it? And I’m not about to waste my time trying to change it.”

This could have stopped here if the man did not insist on giving Gaga a piece of his mind by letting her know that, for their sins, both she and Adam Lambert would be going straight to hell, which is when the “Poker Face” hitmaker started to show the first signs that she just had had more than she could take. “No… not as long as I don’t have to see YOUR face there!” she told the man when asked whether she cared about where she’d spend eternity with Lambert.

However, the situation got completely out of hand when the man told Gaga both she and Adam were “freaks.” “Okay, that’s it! Call ME anything you want, but when you start calling my friends names, it’s OVER – it’s WAR!” she reportedly yelled as she reached out for a glass of hand. The “weapon” of choice procured, she poured it over the guy’s head and then made a swift dash for the exit, the report goes on to say.


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