Friday, May 29, 2009

Adam Lambert Coming Out On Cover Of Rolling Stone

Adam Lambert On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

It seems that all the rumors will be put to rest in an upcoming Rolling Stone issue. Allegedly, this issue will feature Adam Lambert on the cover and will answer directly all the sexuality questions that Adam has been avoiding.

I just read this written in the New York Post page six.

A well-placed magazine source tells Page Six that Lambert will be coming out officially on the next cover of Rolling Stone. (This week's issue has
Lady Gaga on the cover.) "He didn't want it to be an issue during the contest, but he's fine with his sexuality," we're told. In the past, when asked about it, Lambert has only said, "Keep speculating." A rep for Rolling Stone said, "We don't comment on future covers." Lambert's rep, Roger Widynowski, didn't return e-mails.

This should be a great article and I can't wait to read it. What are your thoughts?


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