Friday, May 29, 2009

Adam Lambert Coming Out On Cover Of Rolling Stone

Adam Lambert On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

It seems that all the rumors will be put to rest in an upcoming Rolling Stone issue. Allegedly, this issue will feature Adam Lambert on the cover and will answer directly all the sexuality questions that Adam has been avoiding.

I just read this written in the New York Post page six.

A well-placed magazine source tells Page Six that Lambert will be coming out officially on the next cover of Rolling Stone. (This week's issue has
Lady Gaga on the cover.) "He didn't want it to be an issue during the contest, but he's fine with his sexuality," we're told. In the past, when asked about it, Lambert has only said, "Keep speculating." A rep for Rolling Stone said, "We don't comment on future covers." Lambert's rep, Roger Widynowski, didn't return e-mails.

This should be a great article and I can't wait to read it. What are your thoughts?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adam Lambert to address sexuality questions "soon"

Adam Lambert is going on the record about his sexuality.

Ryan Seacrest just messaged on twitter about two hours ago that Adam Lambert will address all the sexuality rumors "Soon". Not sure if soon is in a few weeks, days, or hours. All in all it really shouldn't matter. However, I do think it would be great for America to have a gay Icon that is different from the feminine stereotypes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Adam Lambert: "Were going to start working on new music right away"

Adam Lambert Waste No Time Working On NEW MUSIC!

“What a night, right?” asked Adam Lambert backstage after the American Idol finale, a big smile on his face. “It felt so good. I got to sing with Queen and with Kiss. I mean, first or second, it doesn’t matter to me; I got to sing with two great, heroic rock bands.”

Check out else what he had to say about the big show, coming in second and his future plans…

What did you feel in those last moments when they announced the winner?
Well, you know, I knew it was going to be a close race. Kris is incredibly talented, and he’s a good person. For me it was like, okay, we know it’s going to be close. Whatever happens, happens. We made it this far. We got to do a really cool finale, and we’re both gonna get to do great things in the future. For me, it’s not really about what happens tonight. It’s about tomorrow.

What’s immediately next?
We’re going start working on some music right way. That’s what I can’t wait to do: to collaborate, to write, to cowrite, to create visuals that go along with the music, too. That’s gonna be really exciting.

Have you received any offers yet?
A couple. Just a few here and there.

(In fact has been told by a source that Adam was approached directly after the finale by the band Queen to do a few shows with them. We do not know at this time if he has accepted)

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

What did the judges say to you after the show tonight?
Paula from the get-go has been super-supportive. I walked into the room and she just had the warmest, most positive energy. She just said she’s proud of me. It’s been a very encouraging environment. I never felt like, Well, you can’t do that or you can’t sing that and you can’t say that and you can’t wear that. It was like: Adam, do your thing. Which was really cool. When I was younger, it was scarier to take risks and I kept pushing myself throughout my early 20s to where it wasn’t scary anymore.

Will you collaborate with Allison Iraheta?
I love Allison; we’ll see. That’ll be really cool.

Blogs are going to say, ‘If he wins it’s because he’s gay, or if he loses it’s because he’s gay.’ What do you think of that?
Is that what they’re gonna say? [Laughs] Those blogs have a lot of opinions, don’t they? [Laughs] I think that Kris won because he’s a great artist and I was happy to be a runner-up to that.

What’s your goal now?
My dream now is to make a really dope record. Do something new. Push the boundaries a little bit. Push people’s buttons. Open people’s minds up a little bit. If there’s anything that can come from this experience I hope that all the fans out there can pick up that even if you’re really different there’s a way to get along with each other. We did the Queen duet and we made it work because we found a common ground with each other.

What was your strategy on the show this season?
My strategy was to show all different sides. There’s a very fine line between giving the audience what they wanted and then also me trying to give them stuff that maybe they didn’t know they wanted.

Tell us about your style.
I like things that make you look. I don’t like to blend in. I like to stand out. This is a Cavalli jacket that I’m really, really into.

Are you happy with your new Ford Fusion Hybrid?
The Fusion is beautiful. It’s so whisper quiet. Hybrid all the way. Let’s protect the environment.

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

Get Adam Lambert Updates On Your Webpage!

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

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The Adam Lambert Widget is here!! Don't know what a widget is? A widget streams a feed of pictures and news from any site to a particular area that you can post on any web page, myspace page, facebook page, etc. Now you can get the fastest Adam Lambert news not only to yourself, but to anyone that visits your page. The widget provides fresh content almost daily.

Here is the widget posted below. To get the code just click on the "Get Widget" tab. Then copy and paste the code onto your site. It's a free service from us here at


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Adam Lambert's Official Website Now Up and Running

Adam Lambert Pictures, Images and Photos

Adam Lambert reaches out to his fans with new website.

For all you Adam Lambert fanatics out there: is the first to announce the opening of Adam's official website at Here he will be posting videos, talking to fans, and posting forum topics. Sounds exciting!! You can sign up on his page for email updates and even text messages. To prove this is indeed the OFFICIAL Adam Lambert sight he has posted a video talking about and all the future plans for the site. Be sure to check it out... but come back to us when you need even more of your Adam Lambert fix. :o)